Wednesday 25 February 2015

Thursday 19 February 2015

Special Effects Make-up Trial

I recently tried some special effect make-up on Matthew as he will be playing the antagonist in the film. I wanted to make sure that I had practised it so that I knew exactly how to do it when we begin filming next week. Ethan also filmed the process which I will upload soon.

Here is the image that I tried to base my special effects make-up on.

For my first attempt I only did a very small amount as I just wanted to make sure I was using the right techniques.

Here is my second attempt which is larger and more detailed. This took quite along time to create about an hour and a half but hopefully it will go quicker now that I know how to do it

I am hoping to improve on this as I feel it needs to be a much darker shade and is to bright at the moment. Although this is in full light and the scenes we will be filming the antagonist in will be very dark so it may look more realistic in that lighting. We will also film all of the close ups of the hand in one day as it will be very hard to exactly replicate the same make-up again. I will still try to recreate it as similar the second time to the first as I can but I don't think it will be to noticeable with the further away shots.

Sunday 15 February 2015

SFX supplies

SFX Supplies

Here are some of the special effects supplies that I bought today.

They include:

-Makeup brushes
-Makeup sponges
-Liquid latex
-Makeup paint palette

I am going to test them on Matt tomorrow (who plays the antagonist) to make sure that it looks good. Ethan will also film the process so we can upload it tomorrow. We want to try it out before we begin filming so I know exactly what I am doing and there is no delay on the days of filming. I will do this mainly on his hands as this is the visible part of his body and maybe a bit on his neck. This should give the impression that he has been burned which fits in with the story as he dies of gas in WW2 (which burns the skin). This should also show that he is dehumanised which will make it more scary.

6 week filming table

6 week filming table
(This table may not make sense to you as we have not put all of the times and dates but the group already knows all of this information and so this table makes sense to us)

Here is the timetable that we are going to try to stick to in our upcoming 6 weeks of filming. This is a rough timetable and we hope to stick to this but we have left enough room in the last 2 weeks to catch up with something if we find we are behind. This was a very tricky timetable to come up with because one of our actors is not in our group and so we had to make sure that he could turn up to all of these filming sessions as he is the main character. Although there is a lot of filming to be done we also need to find some music or create our own and record all of the sound from the film separately so it is nice and clear to listen to. We have tried to make sure that we  do bits of editing as we go along rather then leave it all to the end, because if we find we need to film another shot its better to do this while we are still filming the rest of the opening. We are filming the ending first as this is set in the day whereas the rest is set at night. 

Top 10 Horror Movie Opening Scenes

Top 10 Horror Movie Opening Scenes

I found this very useful video on YouTube by Now although we have already come up with the story and an idea of the opening sequence of our horror film, this is very useful just to see the kind of techniques and camera shots used early on in horror films. Many of these opening sequences have a first person sequence from the point of view of the killer which is something that we could try to incorporate into our own opening.
most of these openings introduce us to the serial killers very early on but one thing that they do is to not show much of these characters. An example of this is in A Nightmare on Elm Street where we only see Freddies hands and hear him in the background, we also get a short glimpse of him at the end of the opening. This helps to create suspense. Another opening sequence which does this is Friday the 13th which introduces us to the character from the serial killers point of view so we only see their hands which has a similar effect. This is something that we are trying to incorporate into our film and it is very useful having a few examples to refer to when we are getting into the smaller details of our opening.

Monday 2 February 2015

WW2 pic

Here is the WW2 army photograph that we have chosen for the film. It plays a large part in the film as is contains both the protagonists grandad and the killer. This will be used in our two minute opening when the protagonist is about to leave his home, this gives the audience a hint at its significance but doesn't tell them too much.