
Opening sequence
The equilibrium, the protagonist is in his house and is sat by a computer doing work when his phone rings. It is his friend Jamie on the other side who asks if he would like to go to a party. Fred accepts as he walks towards the kitchen door. He picks up his keys which were on the worktop next to an old WW2 photograph. 
 Disruption, we can see his walking down the alleyway and a flicker of a man with a gasmask for less than a second. As he walks down the alleyway he slowly begins to feel like he is being followed looking over his shoulder. He then stops and looks behind him, as he does this a bottle is knocked over. He shouts to ask if anyone is their but there is no reply. He then turns to carry on walking. As he turn. The man begins to run away as he is being chased. We have many close ups on the ghosts hands and feet.As the man runs he trips over and falls to the ground. As he crawls backwards we have a POV shot and can see the ghost walking towards him, the light in the background flashing on and off. The ghost kills the protagonist.

The protagonist wakes up on a train from his nightmare. He looks down at his newspaper on the table; it states that a WW2 body was recently dug up with a picture of the body. As the protagonist gets up and walks out of shot the camera goes back to the newspaper, we can see that the gas mask man has disappeared. 

We later find out more about the man in the gas mask and why he is trying to kill the protagonist.
We get flash backs during the story back to WW2 each on continuing the same scene. The audience become more aware of why the ghost is trying to kill the protagonist as these continue. These flashbacks show a man who we find out is the protagonist’s granddad in the trenches. We find out that the trench that he and his friend were in was gassed and the protagonist’s uncle couldn’t find his own gasmask so took the one next to his friend instead. They fought over it and the protagonist’s uncle killed his friend. He then buried his friend after realising what he had done.
Recognition, the protagonist keeps being haunted by this ghost who is trying to kill him but only at night, he tries to research the man and find out who he is.
The film finally ends after the protagonist is killed. His family are there to bury him. We see the protagonists sister after the funeral as she is in her house, from the window we can see the gas mask man one again as he walks towards her house. 

This is just a general overview of the story and a loose story of the opening sequence. There is much more detail in the script and storyboards which I created and so I did not feel like I needed as much information here.

Another member of the team created another story based on the original. We put it to a vote and the overall answer was to go with the original story. We may also try out the other story with a slightly different story if we have enough time just so that we can see which looks better. We will be using the original story for our two minute opening as this is what the vote showed.

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