Target audience

What is a target?

When I looked for a definition of a target audience Google told me that its is "a particular group at which a film, book, advertising campaign, etc., is aimed". Now in my case it is the target audiencee of a film. For my target audience I must find out what age group and what gender to market my film at as well as thinking about their lifestyles as well.

Our target audience

This is what we assume our target audiences lifestyles to look like, our target audience is 15-24 this is partly due to them being the highest rated cinema visitors and because horror films are often most popular with this age group.

Here I have found some statistics by The Cinema Exhibitors' Association of different ages and genders which go to the cinema, my target audience is 15-24 which are the highest cinema visitors.

Our primary target audience are males from the age of 15 to 24. We are targeting this film towards fans of the horror-slasher sub-genre.

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