Our Production Company Name

Here are some various production companies which I looked at to get inspiration for my groups name and logo of the production company. These were all good but I felt were to broad and I wanted to narrow down the names and logos I looked at to more horror based ones and then created this small collection of them.

I found these production companies which are much more specific in the genre of film that they are trying to promote. 

These are some of the names that we came up with when we were thinking of a production company name.


In the end we went with Lonely Child Films it feels very sinister but no in a particularly graphic way which is good for a horror film production company. We also used a nuse with the logo just to add to the sinisterness of the logo. It is primarily in black because it has got many associations with being dark and scary yet very simplistic. We also made the 'L' red because this also has many associations like blood and danger and draws attention to it.

Although this is our primary logo we also have a background logo to create a bit of diversity.
We use this for our background on twitter just to create a bit of difference.

Here is what the groups twitter page looks like with the logo and the background both together.

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