Characters & casting

All of the main characters are male which suites the predominantly male audience which we are trying to achieve with our film.

The Protagonist (Fred Johnson) - For our opening sequence we have used James Green to play the character of Fred Johnson. If we were to create this as a full feature film we would still try to use an actor who is not very known. Of course this is cheaper than using a big celebrity star but also more scar, if people see a famous star actor in a film then they are less likely to be scared as it feel much more unrealistic. But perhaps someone like Liam James who is not the most well known actor but it is clear that he knows what he is doing.

The Antagonist (The ghost) - This character is primarily seen with a mask on and so the main factor for this is the persons build. We want an actor who is quite tall and bulky as this could be very intimidation. Chris Hemsworth would be a good actor to play this role, although he has not played roles particularly similar to this he has had quite a diverse acting career. Although I did just say we did not want particularly famous actors in the film , the character he would be playing is mainly masked. He is around 6'2 - 6'3 which is just over average. He is quite bulky as well. His name would also bring a lot of publicity towards the film as he is quite a well known actor.
Chris Hemsworth (8)

Chris Johnson (Fred's granddad) - We would like a young male to play this role. He does not need to be particularly tall or look strong. I want to stick with the theme of choosing rather off beat and unknown actors as I have explained before. I would do the same for this character as he is quite a serious role which could be distracted if we had a famous actor. I would like to chose an actor similar to Lincoln Lewis, He has not appeared in a lot of things and so should have few fans who will get distracted by his appearance.
Lincoln Lewis Picture

Jamie (Fred's Friend) - I would like to again chose a rather unknown actor for this character, somebody like Rafi Gavron would be good for this role as he has not been in many other large roles. He is the correct kind of age for the university student role which he would play.

These were the four main characters in the film, I have not written about any of the smaller parts as they again will be less known actors and actresses. 

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