
Here is a mind-map of possible locations to set our film:
Our group decided that the beginning and middle of the scene would both be set in an alleyway. The alleyway that we are shooting on is very long and so we have a lot that we can do with it for our chase scene. We like this location for a chase scene as it feels very linear for the protagonist as they only have one way that they can run away from the antagonist.

The second location for the final scene will be on a train where the protagonist wakes up from his dream. 

Here is the alleyway that we have chosen to shoot most of our scene in. We will use this for the beginning and the middle. This is a very long alley so we think this is the only location we will need for the beginning and the middle of the scene. Although these photographs were taken during the day it is easy to tell that this could look very scary at night when it is darker and a perfect location for our scene. This is where the stalking and chase scene will take place. I like how linear the path is and the protagonist has no choice in which way to run away.

The end of our 2 minute scene is set on a train where the protagonist wakes up. We are hoping to get this station in the background of the shot but this may be quite hard to do as we only have limited time to film the scene. This was going to be where the final scene took place but we then decided to change it to actually on the train rather than the station.

The final scene takes place on the train. Fred has just woken up from his dream and is entering the city in which he dreamed about. We made sure the train was very empty so we did not disturb anyone and so they did not interrupt the film. We wanted the character of Fred to wake up from his dream in the opening and we originally though of in bed or at the train station. We went for the train idea as we liked the idea of Fred entering the city that he had a nightmare about as this creates a lot of tension and the audience know it is not going to end well.

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