Monday 23 March 2015

Horror Actresses

This is a website which could be very helpful but not particularly for me. It talks about the greatest female performances in horror but the lead in our film in male. I still gave it a mention as I can see how this could be very useful to some people.

How an Indie is Made.

For me I found this website very helpful even though it is not horror specific. It's all very good finding out how to create a horror film but many of these websites expect you o have a large budget that you can spend on your film. This website describes film making on a budget which is exactly what I need and is very helpful.

Film Scores

Here is another great website but this one tackles the sound that a horror film uses. Sound is important to most films but in particular in horror films.

I have listened to a few of the scores used in other websites from this webpage and this has gi9ven me more of an insight on the scariest horror music you can used.

9 Tips to Create a Good Horror Film

Here is a great website with lots of tips for horror film creators. Reading through these has given me some more inspiration and insight into techniques that these great horror film creators have used.

Opening Credits Filming

Here We have now filmed the scene for the opening credits. We may use this footage or not but we felt it was worth creating as we could not film the next scene in the story until we could get all of our actors.

Thursday 19 March 2015

Changing the title sequence

We are thinking about changing the titles to the opening sequence. This is a slightly less conventional way of presenting the titles than having the titles come up with the actual beginning scene and is more common in TV. Although this is true there are films which do it this way and We feel that this is most appropriate for our film. We are still keeping the previous scenes very similar but are just adding this to the front.
These opening titles can often be made very creepy which will immediately alert the audience that this is a horror film. 

We looked at some great examples of this including the film Se7en:

Although Se7en may not technically be a horror film this opening is still very scary and sinister and the film has got horror elements throughout it. This opening manages to take some of the smallest things and make them very sinister which is what we would like to achieve with ours. This title sequence is over 2 minutes long, for ours we are going to try to do it in around 30 seconds but we will have less titles to put on. This opening is not only there to be scary but serves a purpose by introducing the killer. I like the way they have done this without showing his face and keeping it a mystery for later in the film. It's also almost asif we are inside the killers head.

For our 30 second title sequence we will have the antagonist in a basement/shelter and show him preparing to attack the protagonist. We will not show the identity of the man as this would spoil it for later on in the film.

We are also hoping to make it a bit like the opening of A Nightmare on Elm Street with Freddy creating his claws. this feels very sinister and I love the use of minimalistic music and loud sounds throughout it.

Watch from (0:15) - (0:13)

We want it much faster than that scene with very quick transitions between them. We are essentially trying to find a balance between the two and with a character that will make sense to our audience as the film progresses. We will create a mixture of scenes some of which we will use and some we will not. This gives us the choice of what looks best and in what order.

Friday 13 March 2015

Recent changes

We have recently changed the short sequence. We got advice from a professional who said that there are some things that we must reshoot and shorten. We are refilling these scenes but keeping some of the original content as well. We must shorten the first scene (house scene) to get straight to the action as well as shooting some new scenes. For our final scene (train scene) we must change the story slightly so that someone else is holding the paper rather than having it on the table. This is so that the story as it makes more sense.
We will reshoot the first scene on Sunday

Monday 9 March 2015



We have finished editing the last scene that we filmed which is the train scene. We will come back to it at the end and edit it with the rest of the scenes but we have added transitions and music to the scene. We are now filming our next scene so that on Wednesday we can begin editing it.

Next Filming Session

We will be filming our beginning scene of the opening sequence later today from 6pm-8pm. We have booked in another filming session for this scene later in the week with our actor but are hoping to get it done in the 2 hour slot we are doing later today. We are filming this scene in Matthews house wh9ich we have set up for the scene.

Monday 2 March 2015

Editing the Train Scene

We got our whole group to help edit as editing is the final stage of the production and we all have to make sure that we agree. We uploaded all the footage from both my camera and another member of the groups camera. We went through all of the footage and picked the best shots, we also cropped and changed the colouring of some shots to make them look more natural and flow better. Over four periods we have edited most of the scene adding the title as well. We just need to add music which we will get one of our friends to create for the film. We will go through it again towards the end of the production when we edit the whole two minute opening together.

First Filming Session

We have filmed our final scene in the two minute opening that we are to create. This is the scene on the train where the protagonist (Fred) wakes up from his nightmare and is on a train entering the city he dreamed about. We filmed this fist as it was the easiest due to it being set during the day.
Overall I would call the filming sessions success as we got lots of footage for the film. Both me and another member of the team filmed at the same time so we could get the most out of the session. We had to be very cautious of time as we were filming on a train which only gave us a short amount of time to film.

Film Pitch Delay

We did create and and film a pitch in font of a live audience who then asked questions. Unfortunate when it came to filming the pitches we were last and the camera ran out of battery so I do not have this to show. I would like to film this again but if not I will try and just upload the pitch straight to the blog.